
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Global Rise of Knife Crime - Why?

I was 18 years old when I carried my first knife, I was 19 years old when I first used a knife and I was 20 years old when I looked at the first dead human body, whose life was ended by another type of edged weapon… a broken bottle. Then, I guess, I ultimately arrived at that ‘T-junction’ in life where you either turn left and continue on your path, or you turn right and make significant changes in your life. The following two decades I spent learning and studying the use of knives and more importantly the defence from such weapon, and as part of this journey I ended up training hundreds of frontline professionals in understanding the precise risks and detailed physical aspects and consequences of an ‘edged weapon attack’. In 2009 I decided to set up PPSS Group , a dedicated company, engineering and supplying specialised PPE such as stab resistant body armour and s lash resistant clothing, with the aim to protect frontline professionals further from this specific threat. Now before