SlashPRO Slash Resistant Clothing To Protect Homeland Security Professionals

SlashPRO Slash Resistant Clothing Can Save Lives

SlashPRO Slash Resistant Clothing has been designed to protect professionals working within potentially hostile environments, such as homeland security, corrections, law enforcement, private security etc.

Our high performance protective garments shield the major arteries and blood vessels, effectively helping to reduce the risk of rapid blood loss, subsequent shock and potential death.

Please allow me to explain to you why SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing has been developed, or in fact why they have become such an essential piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) to so many homeland security professionals around the world. The following video will offer you a brief visual on what I will be explaining:

I have highlighted in my recent article “The Rise of Global Knife Crime” why an increasing number of criminals carry knives and why more and more criminals as well as terrorists utilise knives to reach their specific and most of the time very misguided objectives. 

A person does not need to undergo intense knife fighting training in order to cause maximum damage to others. You, as a homeland security professional or civil enforcement agent, must accept that anyone carrying a knife or blade represents a real danger.

We have created slash resistant clothing because it was our genuine objective to improve your personal safety and security.  Here we offer you reliable and operationally sound and field tested cut protection to highly vulnerable areas, to which common body armour don’t offer any protection whatsoever.

Please allow me to talk a little about human anatomy and its direct relevance to combat and self defence.

The potential and sometimes irreparable and even deadly consequences of being slashed really need out attention. I am for sure no medical expert, but I have spent many many years engaging with those carrying blades or knives and my understanding of this subject matter is that stabbing and blood loss will not necessarily and quickly incapacitate an attacker!

I have also personally witnessed cases of individuals who have survived multiple stabbings and even managed to find they way back home without any assistance.

They key is to understand and accept the major difference between a) being stabbed and b) being slashed. Unless you have been stabbed into one of your vital organs by a reasonably long blade you are looking at a realistically high chance of survival. Again.... I have seen too many victims of a knife attack... because a) the organs were left undamaged and b) the blade wasn't long enough to do so.  But let me explain the danger of 'slashing'.

Slash Resistant Clothing - Human Anatomy

In order to hold something in your hand, for example a weapon, baton, CS gas or riot shield, your forearm muscles contract and pull on the flexor tendons, which pass through your wrist and are attached to your fingers.

If someone cuts the tendons or indeed the muscles that drive them, this connection is broken and your hand will no longer be able to hold whatever you might be holding. This concept applies to all muscle groups, tendons and limbs. The purpose of slash resistant clothing is to eliminate that risk... or at the very least reduce that very risk.

If an attacker cuts any tissues responsible for you moving a limb, that person would most likely disable or at a bare minimum reduce your limb’s function.  One calls this ‘biomechanical cutting’. Highly trained military/homeland security operators would use such 'technique' in order to eliminate a direct threat.

Slash resistant clothing will effectively help protect the flexor tendons and muscle in your forearm, the biceps and triceps muscles of your upper arms, as well as the major quadriceps muscles above the knee require protection from such .targeted knife attack.

If someone is close enough to reach your body, well, that person will of course also be close enough to cut your quadriceps connected to your patellar (kneecap) tendon.  One calls this a ‘mobility kill’.  You will no longer be able to successfully defend yourself. 

The Filipino martial arts have a rather evolved edged-weapon culture, incl a specific tactic one refers to as “defanging the snake”.

'Defanging the snake' means targeting the opponents limb to destroy its stricture and terminate its function. The weapon is the “fang” and the arm wielding it is the “snake”, and removing the fang from the snake instantaneously eradicates the principal threat to the defender.

Aiming to cut the attacker’s wrist or forearm or the flexor tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the fingers is a key objective. This would terminate the attacker’s ability to hold any weapon.

Do you agree when I say that slash resistant clothing is starting to make sense?

Slash Resistant Clothing -  Product Recommendations

For those who already wear any type body armour, I would like to recommend our slash resistant clothing, such as combat shirts, offering cut protection to a number of particularly vulnerable areas, to which your body armour will not offer any protection at all:

SlashPRO Slash Proof Clothing - combat shirt

If you are not wearing any type of body armour… then I suggest you look at a type of garment that offers you a much larger surface area of cut protection.  The SlashPRO Slash Resistant Hoodie isone of many available options:

SlashPRO Slash Proof Clothing - hoodie

There are many men and women who have made a professional decision to protect our fellow citizens, particular facilities, venues, events and infrastructure from criminals and terrorists. These men and women have the moral as well as legal right to be equipped appropriately... and I strongly believe slash resistant clothing can on both the moral and operational level be deemed as appropriate.

Our highly acclaimed Cut-Tex PRO fabric is also being used to create cut resistant shirts and cut resistant workwear, such as CutPRO Cut Resistant Clothing.

Robert Kaiser, CEO

PPSS Group
